In March 2017, MARC hosted the “Khoja Spaces Exhibition” as part of its mission to promote knowledge and awareness of the heritage of the Khoja community. The exhibition featured about 200 specially curated images of spaces of significance to the Khoja Shia Ithna Ashari community worldwide. Featured buildings came from 77 cities on 5 continents and included mosques, imambaras, schools, cemeteries and travel lodges. The exhibition was an eye-opener for younger members of the community to better understand how the community has spread across the globe, beginning in the Gujarat province of India where some members of the community still live to this day, to other parts of the world in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. This exhibition allows visitors a glimpse into the incredible journey that the Khoja community has made across 77 countries on five different continents. Over 200 images have been curated of Khoja spaces that have had an important place in the lives of several generations, serving individuals at each stage of life. It is remarkable to see so many places around the world established by a community of less than 125,000 in a span of only a century and a half. These are buildings that are more than mere bricks and mortar; they are dynamic places that testify to the passion of a community to remain united and to make sacrifices to practice the Shia Ithna Ashari faith and pass it on to future generations.
Come and be inspired by the legacy of your ancestors. Feel the connection between Khoja mosques, imambarahs, madrasahs and kabrastans disconnected by time and geography, but stemming from one religious and cultural heritage. Let us remember our roots and continue the Khoja dream of being united in faith, supporting one another and growing together. May the exhibition revive old memories and build new bonds at the Mulla Asghar Memorial Library and Islamic Resource Centre.
Here you can view images that were on display at the exhibition:
Here are a brief video about the exhibition – the first part of the video gives an overview of the theme of the exhibition – it was played at the exhibition. It is followed by a view of part of the exhibition and the Khoja spaces depicted therein.