Title: The Sacred Effusion, volume 2
Subtitle : Reflections on Ziyarat `Ashura’ of Sayyid al-Shuhada’ al-Husayn Ibn `Ali (peace be upon him)
Author : Shaykh Muhammad M Khalfan
Forward by : Shaykh Khalil Jaffer
Language : English
ISBN: 978-190928506-4
Ziyarat `Ashura, if recited constantly, has the power to awaken us and motivate us to begin our inner journey of struggle against our lower self. When we achieve this grand victory, our declarations are united with our inner states. Imam al-Husayn (as) is the great ark of salvation, and one who has been divinely appointed to serve as an intermediary of Allah’s grace who can quickly transport the human soul to the level of Tawhid. The human being has the capacity to ascend to a level where he dissolves in the All-Beloved and subsists with Him. Indeed, that is the very aim for which he was created.
This book is the second volume by the author about this blessed Ziyarat. This book as well as the first volume are available in the MARC Library.